The primary faculty liaisons (PFLs) are the principal link between the Graduate School and FPP-participating departments. They play a pivotal role in providing FPP participants with a good understanding of their duties and responsibilities as faculty members in higher education. Working closely both with administrative and faculty colleagues across campus and with departmental faculty teaching mentors, PFLs administer the FPP within their departments/schools and provide the discipline-specific component of the FPP experience.While the FPP’s decentralized structure allows participating departments considerable flexibility in designing their programs, the PFL is generally responsible for several key functions:
- Enrolling students in the FPP and assuring that each is assigned a faculty teaching mentor
- Organizing or delegating the organization of departmental FPP programming and activities throughout the year
- Defining departmental requirements for FPP participation and/or the Certificate in University Teaching (CUT)
- Fostering faculty-student mentoring relationships, including oversight of independent mentored teaching experiences
- Facilitating departmental participation in the annual FPP Conference
The PFL’s major administrative duties are discharged in September (annual enrollment) and March (verification of FPP stipend and Certificate in University Teaching eligibility). The necessary forms are available from the Graduate School.
Additional information and resources for PFLs can be found in the Primary Faculty Liaison and Faculty Teaching Mentor Handbook.