
Syracuse is a top-tier international research university, where academic inquiry spans and unites a full range of disciplines. Our wide array of research resources prepare you with the knowledge and professional skills needed to pursue graduate-level research and prepare for your career.

Centers and Institutes

In Syracuse research centers and institutes, graduate students work alongside faculty, scholars, and staff to advance research excellence. The University has over 30 centers that span a multitude of fields and disciplines, all addressing the needs and inquiries of our world.

Office of Research

The Office of Research enhances and deploys University resources in support of research, scholarship, and creative activity. Its departments include:

  • Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP): OSP can help identify potential sources of external funding for your research and will work with you to develo and submit your grant applications.
  • Office of Research Integrity and Protections (ORIP): ORIP supports the University committees responsible for review and oversight of research involving animals and human subjects, and works collaboratively with the Environmental Health and Safety Services Office and Microbiological Safety Program to address issues concerning biohazards in research.

Subject-area Librarians

Syracuse University Libraries are staffed with subject specialists knowledgeable in the most useful library holdings and research tools for your field of study.

Information and Technology Services

The University’s Information and Technology Services (ITS) department provides services, training, applications, and infrastructure to support your technology needs as a student, teacher, and researcher.